CALL US: (215) 639-3333
Our Mission: Bridging the gap to provide quality, full-service veterinary care to enrich our community and keep pets with the families who love them.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit veterinary clinic. This means that we do much more than providing you and your pet with high-quality care for an affordable price. See below for some of our special community programming!
Grant decisions are based on several factors including medical necessity, demonstrated financial need, ability of owner to cover balance of costs, and available funding. Fund approval is at the sole discretion of program administrators.
To get started, please call (215) 639-3333 and ask about the Savings for Seniors Program!
Thanks to generous MATCHING funds contributed by the Bucks County SPCA, we are pleased to announce the SAVINGS FOR SENIORS PROGRAM!
What is it? Grant funding awarded towards life-changing surgeries for dogs or cats owned by seniors to be performed at The Bridge Clinic in Bensalem.
What surgeries are covered? Funds will be allocated to life-saving, urgent, or emergent surgeries or dental procedures. General wellness/sick visits, as well as spay/neuter or other elective procedures will not be covered by this program. Call (215) 639-3333 to determine eligibility!
Who qualifies? Any senior, aged 55 years or older with demonstrated need of financial assistance with a life-changing surgery for their cat or dog. Pet owner must live in Bucks County and provide a copy of their driver's license or state-issued PA ID to confirm age and residence.
Other rules or considerations: Pet owners must pay the balance of services after the $500 grant deduction on the morning of the surgical procedure. Any surgical appointments missed or not cancelled/rescheduled within 24 hours (or 1 business day, for Monday appointments) of surgery date will result in the loss of the $500 grant contribution toward the surgery. Pet owner must also agree to allow The Bridge Clinic and its affiliates to share their pet's name/photo/a brief description of their story/visit on social media. (Note: we will not share the owner's name or other sensitive information). Pets participating in the Savings for Seniors program must be owned by an individual; no rescue organizations may utilize these funds for pets in their care. Limit $500 per household.
Grant decisions are based on several factors including medical necessity, demonstrated financial need, ability of owner to cover balance of costs, and available funding. Fund approval is at the sole discretion of program administrators.
To get started, please call (215) 639-3333 and ask about the Value for Veterans Program!
Thanks to generous MATCHING funds contributed by the Bucks County SPCA, we are pleased to announce the VALUE FOR VETERANS PROGRAM!
What is it? Grants of up to $500 for Veterans/Active Duty Members of the US Armed Forces for qualifying procedures at The Bridge Clinic in Bensalem.
What surgeries are covered? Funds will be allocated to life-saving, urgent, or emergent surgeries or dental procedures. General wellness/sick visits, as well as spay/neuter or other elective procedures will not be covered by this program. Call (215) 639-3333 to determine eligibility!
Who qualifies? Any veteran or active duty member of the US Armed Forces who holds a valid military ID and has a demonstrated need for financial assistance. Pet owners must live in Bucks County and provide a copy of their driver's license or state-issued PA ID to confirm residence.
Other rules or considerations: Pet owners must pay the balance of services after the $500 grant deduction on the morning of the surgical procedure. Any surgical appointments missed or not cancelled/rescheduled within 24 hours (or 1 business day, for Monday appointments) of surgery date will result in the loss of the $500 grant contribution toward the surgery. Pet owner must also agree to allow The Bridge Clinic and its affiliates to share their pet's name/photo/a brief description of their story/visit on social media. (Note: we will not share the owner's name or other sensitive information). Pets participating in the Value for Vets program must be owned by an individual; no rescue organizations may utilize these funds for pets in their care. Limit $500 per household.
Our Feral/Community Cat Subsidy Program is a specialized rate we offer to public clients and rescues serving community and feral cat populations. Included in the rate are the spay/neuter, updated rabies, and FVRCP vaccines, pain medication, overall health check, and an ear tip. We also provide lower-income incentives in collaboration with selected rescues to help keep cats healthy and find them quality homes.
As part of our commitment to the community, every client (public, rescue, or otherwise) receives free rabies and FVRCP vaccine included with their cat’s spay or neuter procedure. Dogs receive a free rabies vaccine with the spay/neuter surgery. We do this as part of our desire to contribute to the overall health and safety of pets in our service area.

The Bridge Clinic has been determined to increase safe pet ownership by offering low rates for microchipping. We also utilize the Michaelson Foundation’s microchips. Using the foundation’s services means that pet owners will not be responsible for monthly registration fees for the life of the chip, and they have the added security of a microchip for their pets.
Core Creek Park is an initiative by Rescue Purrfect, our rescue program, to address the man-made public health crisis in Middletown Township, PA. Back in 2016, this public park was home to over 500 cats that through the years were abandoned and dumped, leaving many to reproduce uncontrollably. Working with Greater Good, Red Rover, Easel, among other organizations, The Bridge Clinic was a key part of a massive project to spay and neuter all 500 cats.
Rescue Purrfect adopted out the friendly cats, and provide insulated shelters and daily feeding to the remaining 200 cats that were returned to the park as a controlled colony. To this day, volunteers from the Rescue Purrfect continue to feed park animals daily, look out for newly abandoned cats, and keep an eye on any medical issues that need to be addressed at The Bridge Clinic.